SEPTEMBER 4 – 5, 2024
Dortmund, Germany
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Bridging the gap between industry and academia. Central Europe’s first scientific conference on application-oriented Artificial Intelligence.
Our mission is to pioneer the integration of Artificial Intelligence into every facet of industry, recognizing its inevitability and indispensability. We aim to harness the power of AI algorithms and Machine Learning to navigate the complexities of existing networks and processes, shaping the future of competition, particularly in fields like logistics and supply chain management. Through a commitment to bringing together industry and academia, we strive to lead the way in fostering innovative solutions and driving progress in the era of AI.
Join us in shaping the future of AI integration across industries!
Innovator Line-Up: Featured Speakers

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult.
Sebastian Thrun
Stanford University
Lamarr Award Winner

Magnus Sahlgren
AI Sweden

Prof. Dr.
Julia Arlinghaus
Fraunhofer IFF
German Science and Humanities Council

Minister President
Hendrik Wüst
Minister President of the State of North Rhine Westphalia

Ina Brandes
Minister of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

Stephan Peters

Prof. Dr.
Jens Lehmann
Amazon AGI
TUD Dresden University of Technology

Prof. Dr.
Rebecca Nugent
Carnegie Mellon University

Prof. Dr.
Phil Diamond
Square Kilometre Array Observatory

Prof. Dr.
Nikol Rummel
Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS)

Pat Walters
Relay Therapeutics

Prof. Dr.
Stefan Feuerriegel
LMU Munich
Explore the Seven Key Areas of our Conference
AI in Business
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just a buzzword of tech companies, but a driving force that is revolutionizing the way businesses operate in various industries. To provide you with deep insights and practical approaches, the Conference offers a series of focused sessions dedicated to “AI in Business”.
Learn how AI is modernizing management by accelerating and clarifying decision-making processes. Discover how AI-driven solutions in logistics can promote not only efficiency but also sustainability. Find out how AI can open up new opportunities for competitiveness and innovation for your company.
Another focus is on the AI Act, which sets new regulatory frameworks that every company needs to understand. We also cover the special requirements of AI applications in practical use.
Generative AI
The AI-based generation of texts, images, videos and other data has fundamentally changed the way in which people work and live within society. Not just since the emergence of ChatGPT, Generative AI (GenAI) has become a success factor in the technological competitiveness of industries, services and science with the speed of new ground-breaking developments increasing ever faster.
We will cover the current and forward-looking trends for you, look at underlying models as well as business, ethical and societal implications of GenAI. Dive into the topic through a series of keynotes, panel discussions and workshops with renowned experts.
Industrial AI + Logistics by Zukunftskongress Logistik
For now more than 40 years, the ‘Zukunftskongress Logistik‘ (Future Congress on Logistics) has been a unique opportunity for the exchange between researchers and the industry.
With the expert knowledge of the organizers and partners, the congress offers a glimpse into the future of logistics and brings together the latest developments from society, research and practice. The focus is on the technological aspects of logistics and the congress is the ideal platform for networking across disciplines.
This year, the congress is part of AI24, providing attendees with an even greater venue and thus the opportunity to have fruitful exchanges with a yet even more diverse and larger group of experts. Be part of this established and yet new format.
AI in Natural Sciences
Some of the hardest problems in our world stem from the Natural sciences – be it the complexity of the problem, the dimensionality or the sheer volume of data, as we find it with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, for example. Artificial Intelligence provides researchers with new approaches for tackling these problems.
Research in fields like Physics or the Life Sciences paves the way for new algorithms before these find their application in a multitude of scenarios outside their original domain.
Key highlights will offer you insights from the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project – the largest radio telescope ever built, with a budget of over a billion Euros – to expert discussions on the use of AI to fight serious diseases.
The Future of AI
The Lamarr Fellows, recognized by the Lamarr Institute as six of the most innovative academic AI researchers in NRW, share their latest research and discuss the future of AI. Situated in the heart of Europe, North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) boasts a diverse scientific ecosystem.
Alongside over 40 Principal Investigators at the four Lamarr Institute locations, the Lamarr Fellows tackle significant contemporary challenges using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Learn more about the insights these leading NRW researchers offer in a dedicated session at the conference.
AI Regulation and Trustworthiness
Due to the permeation of Artificial Intelligence in all areas of everyday life and work, the safety and trustworthiness of AI in its ethical use and effects are of utmost importance. As AI systems become more integrated into critical aspects of our daily routines and professional environments, ensuring their ethical deployment and mitigating potential risks are essential to fostering public confidence and harnessing AI’s full potential for societal benefit.
Experts at the conference will provide the participants with insights on the European AI Act, its judicial regulations and compliance requirements for science and industry as well as the latest developments of AI safety and the trustworthiness of intelligent technologies.
AI for Future Generations
How can we set up future generations to shape Artificial Intelligence effectively and sustainably while upskilling the existing workforce in their dealings with new AI technologies? These questions and many more will be answered at the AI24.
Already now, it is of utmost importance to equip school children with the knowledge in handling and developing of AI technologies and their critical understanding thereof to secure the future generation of skilled workers. Meanwhile, universities and research facilities are the breeding ground for new developments of Artificial Intelligence that can boost the industrial and technological sector that already witnesses an increased need for upskilling. Our experts will address the challenges in AI education and training in a dedicated session.
The Conference at a Glance
Day 1
Navigating the Present, Charting the Future
Experience an inspiring day that begins with the presentation of the Lamarr Award, followed by keynote speeches and panel discussions with renowned speakers from politics, science and business in the large auditorium. The lectures and panel discussions form the ideal basis for subsequent networking and further discussions on the status and strategic options of AI in Germany. Take part in stimulating discussions that will shape the future landscape of Artificial Intelligence and network with industry leaders. Finally, bring this exciting day to a close in the illuminating setting of Phoenix des Lumiéres after the Digital Logistics Awards ceremony.
Day 2
Delving into AI’s Diverse Realms and Potential
Embark on a journey of exploration and discovery as we dive deeper into the fields of AI. Attend thematic sessions on Ethics & Regulation, Generative AI, AI in Natural Sciences, AI in Business, tracks on Industrial AI & Logistics by the traditional ‘Zukunftskongress Logistik‘ (Future Congress on Logistics) and a session with all Lamarr Fellows. Immerse yourself in workshop rooms teeming with intellect and innovation, fostering valuable exchanges between AI experts and decision makers from academia and industry. Take this opportunity to broaden your horizons, gain insights and make connections that transcend borders.
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